New Suit In Town

Created by spepe 9 years ago
I will miss Kate very much and wished I had been able to spend more time with her. I remember when I first starting working at Amerijet and was sent to do various station audit visits. When I arrived at Kate's station you could cut the tension with a knife. I was told Kate could be a "Hard Ass" but that didn't bother me. I was there to do my job and nobody was going to stop me. Once I arrived on the flight and pallets were taken inside the warehouse. I jumped on top of the pallets and started breaking them down and assisted with placing the freight on the racks. I spent most of the day working the freight and then looking at the other items on my to do list. The return flight was very late so Kate ordered dinner for the station while we waited for the flight to arrive. It was at that moment that Kate said to me, " I thought you were just another stuffed suit coming here to tell me how to run my business but I can see you're just like me and that is worth more than you can imagine. Must have something to do with us both being from upstate NY. From that point on Kate and I were simpatico. Unfortunately Kate then stepped back from running the day to day operation and I only saw her at our annual business conferences. My deepest sympathies to Kate's family she will be dearly missed by all. Sincerely, Stephen M Pepe